Woman in a Dress - Kikuko Usuyama

Weekday 11:00 - 20:00

Weekends and Holidays 11:00 - 18:30

Mondays and Tuesdays Closed


What makes “Woman in a dress” so wonderful?

Staring life straight in the face, understanding it, determined to love this life no matter what: those women in dresses encourage me, give me the strength to go on, step by step.

“Look at them,” I think. “If they can do it...”

Photographer Kikuko Usuyama says that women grow more beautiful with age, that aging is not something to be lamented, and duly focuses on the magic of the dress, its capacity to make a woman more womanly.

“Woman in a dress” caters to every shift in the viewer's spirit, every soaring emotion, every demand—for imagination, dreams, love, passion. Sometimes exciting desires, sometimes bringing peace of mind.

Women who like wearing dresses—girlish, or bold and sexy, invariably catch the eye. I've no doubt that the women in “Woman in a dress” are very happy women indeed.

Yataro Matsuura (Essayist, Editor-in-chief of Kurashi no Techo magazine)

artist statement

A Statement about “Woman in a Dress”

“Woman in a Dress” is a series of photographs started on Kurashi no Techo magazine in 2009. Some attractive elderly women inspired me to photograph them with their own dresses. I like not only wearing a dress, but looking at a woman in a dress.

The model chooses what to wear. Locations are usually at home or in the neighborhood. Some like feminine silhouette, and others like unisex style with layers. What they have in common was no hesitation in choosing the clothes, and the interesting life story as well as the dress. With the years, everyone has naturally understood what makes her look better and gradually become confident in her style. I have learned that it takes time and experience till you can say, “I like this, since it looks nice on me”. The confidence makes a woman more attractive regardless of age.

The experiment to capture the eternal and versatile beauty of women through the dress will continue.


Kikuko Usuyama

Born in Miyagi, Japan, studied German literature at Waseda University in Tokyo and Photography at Fashion Institute of Technology in NY. Lived and worked in NY from 1997 to 2013, then moved to Tokyo in 2014.

HP: www.usuyama.com


Woman in a Dress
Kikuko Usuyama

Date : 13 October, 2014 - 5 November, 2014
Time : Weekdays 11:00 - 20:00 / Weekends and Holidays 11:00 - 18:30
Closed : Mondays and Tuesdays
Entrance Fee : 800 yen for over 18 (Gallery916 & 916small)

Kikuko Usuyama, the photographs For enquiries regarding
the purchase of the photographs, please contact the gallery.
TEL: +81-(3)-5403-9161 / FAX: +81-(3)-5403-9162
MAIL: mail[a]gallery916.com